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发布时间:2019-08-02 15:34:55来源:

错误代码 型号 品牌 错误类型 错误原因 解决办法
1 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Overcurrent Short circuit/earth fault at the output.Motor too large.Faulty output stage. Remove short-circuit.Connect smaller motor.If fault can still not be reset,contact SEW service.
2 MOVITRAC-31C SEW DC link voltage DC link voltage too high. Increase deceleration ramps.
3 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Brake chopper Regenerative power too highBraking resistor circuit interruptedShort-circuit in the brakingresistor circuitBraking resistance value too highFaulty brake chopper Increase deceleration ramps.Check connecting leads of thebraking resistor.Check technical data of thebraking resistor.Exchange MOVITRAC® 31C
5 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Regenerativeoverload With active regen. n monit. (P520/P522)and speed control (P770):faulty encoder signalswrong number of pole pairs (P324/P344)value of increments (P773) not correct Check encoder.Check encoder connection.Set number of pole pairs correctly.Set value of increments correctly.
4 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Cont. overload ´t utilization too high (> 125(%)). Reduce load.
6 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Overtemperature Thermal overload of the inverter. Reduce load and / or ensure adequatecooling.
7 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Phase failure With active mains volt. monitor.(P530)Phase missing at TL. X1:1/2/3. Check mains supply.
10 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Direction ofrotation Only with active speed control (P770):Encoder tracks A/A and B/B areswapped in pairs.Motor rotates in opposite direction.Regen. overload (i.e. with sagging hoist)because of excessive load or BOOSTsetting too low (P321/P341). Check encoder connection.Exchanging two motor phases.Reduce load or increase BOOST.
11 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Speeddetection Only with active speed control (P770):Faulty encoder connection.FEN31C/FPI31C option not installed. Check encoder connection.Insert correct option(FEN31C or FPI31C).
12 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Mot. overload With active n monit. (P510/P512)and speed control (P770):faulty encoder signalswrong number of pole pairs (P324/P344)value of increments (P773) not correct Check encoder.Check encoder connection.Set number of pole pairs correctly.Set value of increments correctly.
13 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Startingconditions With active hoist function (P710/P712):Current too low during the premagnetizationphase:Motor rated power selected too smallin relation to the inverter rated power.Cross-section of the motor leads toosmall. Check startup data and carryout new startup if necessary.Check inverter-motor connection.Check cross-section of the motorleads and increase if necessary.
14 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Output open With active hoist function (P710/P712):Two or all output phases interrupted.Motor rated power selected too smallin relation to the inverter rated power. Check inverter-motor connection.Check startup data and carryout new startup if necessary.
17 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Stack overflow Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
18 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Stack underflow Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
19 MOVITRAC-31C SEW NMI trap Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
20 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Undefinedopcode Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
21 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Protected instr. Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
22 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Word op.access Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
23 MOVITRAC-31C SEW nstruct. access Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly,
24 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Ext. bus access Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
25 MOVITRAC-31C SEW EEPROM Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
26 MOVITRAC-31C SEW No connection Inverter electronics faulty.Possible cause: EMC effect. The notes for EMC compliant installationmust be observed.The reset for error 25 consists ofseveral steps:1. Factory setting (P830 = YES)2. Re-set matched parameters3. Carry out resetIf fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
27 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Ext. terminal External fault signal has appeared at a programmableinput Eliminate the cause of the fault. Reprogramthe terminal, if necessary
28 MOVITRAC-31C SEW FaultINTERBUS FFI31C and control mode (P841) = Fieldbus:Faulty monitoring signal. Check Fieldbus connection.
32 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Copying Only when copying the parameters (P820):Break or interference in PC or FBG31Cconnection. Check connection between inverter andPC. Remove FBG31C keypad and plugagain.
33 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Master-slave Connection master-slave is interrupted.0V5 connection (RS-485) missingMaster or slave defined incorrectlyin P880. Check master-slave connection.0V5-establish connection betweenmaster and slaveSet P880 correctly.
34 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Fieldbustimeout No communication between master andslave within the specified time of theresponse monitoring. Check communication routine of themaster.Increase fieldbus timeout time (P571)/deactivate monitoring.
35 MOVITRAC-31C SEW ConnectionEncoder-FRS Encoder connection faulty.Power supply of the encoder faulty. Check encoder connection.Check power supply of the encoder.
36 MOVITRAC-31C SEW ConnectionMaster-slave Only with FRS and cable break master-slave(P557) = YES:Setpoint connection of slave (TL. 98-101)is disrupted.Master Speed 0 ® slave FRS CTRLis disrupted.Slave FRS CTRL input not assigned.Master Speed 0 output not assigned.No master inverter available.Encoder < 512 pulses per revolution used. Check installation.Check programming of the binaryinputs and binary outputs.Check if encoder type is correct.
37 MOVITRAC-31C SEW FRS RAM fault Internal fault. If fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
38 MOVITRAC-31C SEW FRS processdata fault Fault on interface between inverter andFRS. If fault occurs repeatedly, contactSEW service.
39 MOVITRAC-31C SEW FRS parameterdata fault Invalid value for FRS parameters (P55_). Check parameter settings.
41 MOVITRAC-31C SEW FRS lag fault Polarity of the encoder not set correctly.Acceleration ramps too short.P-gain of the positioningcontroller too smallSpeed controller not set property.Value for lag error tolerance too small Change polarity of encoder.Increase ramps.Increase P-gain.Select new parameters forspeed controller.Increase lag error tolerance (P551).Check wiring of encoder, motor andmains phases.Check if mechanical system is sluggishor whether drive hit an obstacle.
43 MOVITRAC-31C SEW Faultbinary output Load on TL. X3:61 > 150 mA.Load on the otherbinary outputs > 50 mAShort circuit on binary output.Capacitive load on binary output. Check installation of the binary outputs.

SEW MOVITRAC-31C系列  15515598858  0371-56700815



